Welcome to the Lalibela New Life Medical Centre Trust
The Medical Centre has been established to bring nursing and medical care to people in and around Lalibela. There is no univesal healthcare provision in Ethiopia. People therefore rely on clinics like this one for medical and nursing interventions. Some of those are for minor procedures, others can be literally life-critical. Establishing this clinic has been a labour of love between two strangers, united only by their humanity and a driving belief that they are here to share what they have - time, skills, money - to help others. The story of those two individuals can be found here.
Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read this. If you have empathy with the Trust's aims, would like to join us on our journey to bring much-needed relief to people in this little corner of the world, and can offer time, skills, money or equipment to further our aims, then please drop us a line.