The Goals of the Trust
The Lalibela New Life Medical Centre Trust is working to achieve short, medium, and long-term goals in the region.
We characterise these goals under the themes of Establish, Support and Grow.
The completion of the building project and initial stocking of the new Medical Centre is our first concern. Providing the financial support for this is our first and immediate goal. We anticipate being in a position to open the doors to the first patients in the late summer of 2021.
Achieving a sustainable operational model for the Medical Centre is paramount, so that it will be able to support itself on an ongoing basis, without the need for external funding. This is our second, medium-term goal, and will require an initial period of Trust support to achieve financial stability. We hope to have achieved this goal by the end of 2023.
When our first two goals have been achieved, our longer-term goal is to provide ongoing support to grow the medically-trained staff required to continue and grow the Lalibela New Life Medical Centre. We hope to be in a position to expand the services offered within the medical centre so as to be able to offer more advanced interventions currently only available in the capital. It is our aspiration, also, to be able to provide Trust funding for bursaries for nursing and medical students in the region. We would love to be in a position to offer our first bursary to a young medical student in 2024.